That is an extremely fundamental difference. I have searched throughout the literature, but I have not seen this proposed.
This would serve, first and foremost, to select the most appropriate people to serve in government. The people must be in a position to select from a universe of candidates, and not just a very few.
This would put up a brick wall between government and special interest groups.
There is no other proposal that has been made yet, to the best of my knowledge, that would achieve this.
It would provide a resolution between capitalism and socialism. It would not impede free enterprise, yet it would empower the people.
I would suggest that the truly reformed political organization stop asking for donations of any real substance. If a meeting is to be held, the secretary can pass a basket so that people can put in, say, a dollar, to pay the rent. But given our history of political corruption, a political organization should not solicit or accept money.